The preparation for today’s event had started 48 hours before were in various pre-selections and applying of parameters for the autonomous landing sequence doubt the whole Descent is divided into four phases the of breaking phase the attitude whole face fine breaking face and the local navigation phase or the terminal doesn’t phase.
From 1680 M per second to 3:58 M per second the altitude will be brought down from 30 km to 7.4 km at the end of rough breaking currently we can see the scientists are analysing the Lander data.
The scientist here at strike a glute to their systems analysing all salts of complex data we are very close to the power descend to the start of the power doesn’t face
Dear views the pivotal power doesn’t has begin and the Lander module is propelling towards the moon surface along the intended trajectory
Breaking face the Lander velocity should be brought down from 1680 M per second to 30058 M per second the altitude will be brought down from 30 km to 7.4 km at the end of breaking all this in the duration of 690 seconds or 11.5 minutes currently the laser inertial reference and accelerometer package lirating in the navigation
The Lander module has travel the distance of approximately 228 km the complete down range that will be travel during this face shall be nearly 713.5 km to 745 kilometer.
Lander module will reduce from 7.4 km to 6.8 km during the next phase which is going to be the attitude whole face we can currently see that the altitude of the Lander module is nearly 31 km.
The mission operation steam is analysing the data we can all see the seriousness and the concentration with which each and every parameter of the Lander module is being analysed the performance the performance so far seems to be nominal.
During the entire decent there is no ground intervention as the als has taken charge the preparation for today’s event had started nearly 48 hours before wearing various pre selections and applinking of parameters were done we can see that the vertical velocity of the Lander module has been brought down it is continuously coming down and the als had already been initiated one or before the schedule time of the power to send start following this the total able engine electronic module the techmist on and land of oriented to the favourable attitude
After the Rough breaking face is the attitude whole face which will be for a duration of newly 10 seconds The Lander will be oriented such that both the altimeters will be looking exactly towards the moon surface at the end of this attitude whole face height measurement update to navigation system will be given from the laser and car and altimeters currently we are in the middle of the Rough breaking phase.
The altitude of Lander from ground is currently 12 km is currently 22 km which is again going to be coming down and that and that is expected for the views who have joined now we are in we are in the power doesn’t face and we are in the Rough breaking face which is the first phase of the power Descent we have currently travel the down range of 697 km and the down range that has to be travel during the face is 713.5 km
After the Rough breaking and attitude whole face we shall be having the fine breaking face which will continue for nearly 3 minutes the whole face is being Revenge by the autonomous landing sequencer and there is no intervention from ground
Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi ji who has joined us from South Africa’s Johannesburg to encourages.
We are above the landing site the horizontal as well as the vertical velocity is now being constantly reduced and the Lander module has begin its Descent towards the landing site
We can see the Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji who is here to encourages and he is critically looking at the visuals
The hard work of the entire ISRO community has come to provision.
Lander Module has completely landed safely and softly on the surface of the Moon, it is a matter of great pride for us.
There is a saying in Hindi that ” चंदा मामा दूर के लेकिन अब हमें कह सकते हैं कि चंदा मामा अपने घर के”
Thank you very much for the section that has been displayed today now today we have achieved what is setup achieve in 2019 was delayed by about 4 years but we have done it when Chandran 3 was launch after the separation of the spacecraft from launch vehicle.
Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation S. Somnath say “Honorable Prime Minister called me and conveyed is greetings to each one of you you and your family for the wonderful work you did in ISRO so thank to him for the support that is giving to us for missions like and then 3 and the missions that are in laughing I think that’s a great word of comfort that we are receiving for pursuing the inspirational work that we are doing for the nation I want to tell you and I want to thank you also for each and everyone who played with us in the last very days. And affection that he has given to each one of us for doing this work for last so many years I want the speciality some senior people who have been standing with us especially in the name of Kiran Kumar & All. This is not the work of Salon this is a work of a generation of ISRO leadership and ISRO scientist working and doing lot of communication work with us and all the team that contribute to the building Chandrayan 1 and Chandrayan 2 should be remembered and thank while we celebrate Chandrayan 3 and this is an increment and thank you so much.”
Congratulations to all ISRO scientists for successful of chandrayan 3. we are proud to be an Indian.
Project Director P Veeramuthuvel Said “Satisfaction on achieving this goal as a project director of this mission the intermission the entire mission operations right from launch till landing happened fall asleep as per the timeline and we became the fourth country to land to demonstrate the soft landing on to the moon surface and we became the first country to go to the near to the South Pole of the Moon I take this offer I take this opportunity to thank navigation guidance and control team propulsion team census team and all the mainframe subsistence to this mission I also take the opportunity to thank the critical operations review the mission operations right from launch till this date”
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