Name of Post: CITS Admission 2021, CTI Session 2021-2022 Final Exam ( Main Exam ) Time Table Reschedule परीक्षा में बदलाव
Post Date : 26/07/2022
Short Information: Craft Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) DGT
Has released the notification for the CITS Session 2021 Final Examination
2022 has Changed.It has been decided to conduct All India Trade Test of Craft
Instructor under CITS (Annual) System) August 2022 (Main Exam) as per
programme given below.All Admitted Candidate Of NSTIs And IToT are requested pay their examination Fees Link Given Below.
CITS – Craft Instructor Training Scheme
CTI Session 2021 List, Exam Date And Examination Fees 2022
CTI Examinatin 2022 Short Details of Notification
Update Latest News For CITS Final Exam Criteria :
CITS परीक्षाओं के संदर्भ में, यह अनुमोदित किया गया है कि:
- बायो-मीट्रिक उपस्थिति दर्ज करने की कट-ऑफ तिथि बढ़ाकर 06.08.2022 कर दी गई है।
- एईबीएएस उपस्थिति की न्यूनतम संख्या 15 दिन (06.08.2022 को) निर्धारित की गई है।
- उपस्थिति की पात्रता न्यूनतम 70% है।
- प्रायोगिक परीक्षा मूल परीक्षा कार्यक्रम के अनुसार जारी रहेगी
- कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट (सीबीटी) 24 से 28 अगस्त 2022 के बीच निर्धारित किया गया है
- परिणाम 3 सितंबर 2022 तक नवीनतम घोषित किए जाएंगे
- “0” एईबीएएस वाले प्रशिक्षुओं को संबंधित संस्थानों द्वारा पोर्टल से छुट्टी दे दी जाएगी और यह सुनिश्चित किया जाना है कि ऐसा कोई प्रशिक्षु परीक्षा के लिए उपस्थित न हो।
With reference to CITS exams, it has been approved that:
- The cut-off date for marking bio-metric attendance has been increased to 06.08.2022.
- The minimum number of AEBAS attendance has been set at 15 days (as on 06.08.2022).
- The eligibility of Attendance is minimum 70%.
- Practical exam to continue as per original exam schedule
- Computer Based Test (CBT) has been scheduled between 24th to 28th August 2022
- The results will be declared latest by 3rd September 2022
- The trainees with “0” AEBAS to be discharged from the portal by respective institutes and it is to be ensured that no such trainees appear for exams.
Important Date
- Online
examination for Theoretical Subjects (Trade Theory. Workshop
Calculation & Science, Workshop Calculation, Workshop Science, Soft
Skills and Training Methodology) : 24th to 28th August 2022 - Engineering Drawing : 07.08.2022 (Saturday) 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM
- Soft Skills : 07.08.2022 (Saturday) 02:30 PM to 05:30 PM
- Trade Practical :08.08.2022 (Monday) to 10.08.2022 (Wednesday) 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM
- Training Methodology (Practical) :12.08.2022 (Monday) to 13.08.2022 (Wednesday) 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM
- Result Declared: 3rd September 2022
The practical test may be conducted up to 6.00 PM on each day depending
upon the duration of the question paper. The question papers (Password
protected) of Engg. Drawing and Practicals will be provided through
e-mail by NIMI Chennai half an hour before the commencement of exams on
respective dates as per prevailing practice.
CITS Examination Fee
- Engineering : Rs 539
- Non-Engineering : Rs 539
- Rs. 163/- per Trainee per Paper + Rs. 50/ NIMI Charges for all category trainees.
Venue of Exam / CITS Exam Centres
- Exam Centre for CBT shall be the nearest NSTIs (G)/NSTIS (W)/ (Govt. & Pvt.) IToTs.
- Self
Centre for Engineering Drawing, Trade Practical, Soft Skills
(Practical) and Training Metrology (Practical) at NSTIs(G)/NSTIS (W)/
(Govt. & Pvt.) IToTs. - The
decision for assigning the exam centre shall be taken by Director (CFI
Section) / Controller of Examination. No request for change in exam
centre shall be entertained in any case..
- All
stakeholders are requested to check NEWS & UPDATES daily on NCVT
MIS Portal & NIMI Chennai for latest information regarding AITT
examination. - The
question papers of AITT of Craft Instructor under CITS (Main exam)
August-2022 Exam for Practicals & Engineering Drawing (ED) of all
trades will be provided by NIMI,
Chennai. - Standard
operating Procedure (SOP) and guidelines issued from State Government/
Central Government and Local authority as applicable for Covid-19 shall
be strictly followed by all Stake holders while conducting the
Examination. - No
examinee shall adopt any kind of unfair means during the conduct of
examinations and thereafter. If any examinee is found doing so stringent
disciplinary actions along withdebarment from any examinations
conducted by DGT, MSDE shall be initiated.
Eligible Candidate
- Eligible
candidates include: – Regular candidates of CITS (Annual System) for
Academic year 2021-22 are fulfilling the eligibility criteria as below
parameter are eligible to appearing the exam.
S. No. | Parameter | Eligibility Criteria for Hall Ticket Generation |
1. | Attendance | >=70% |
2. | Formative Assessment | >=60% |
3. | CBT and Practical Examination Fees | Yes |
- Candidates without Portal generated Hall Ticket will not be allowed to appear in AITT.
CITS Attendance Eligibility Criteria 2022
Following are the attendance eligibility criteria for trainees
to appear for the exam/generation of hall ticket under CITS from
December 2021 session onwards:
- Trainees
with attendance of 70% and above will be allowed to appear for the
examination and issuance of hall ticket through NCVT MIS Portal. - Trainees
with attendance between 50-79% may be allowed to appear in the next
examination along with supplementary exam trainees. These trainees would
take remedial classes arranged by the NSTIS/ITOTS or by preparing on
their own. The NSTI/ITOT concerned should allow them to appear in next
exam along with the trainees appearing for the supplementary exam. - Trainees with attendance below 50% should be discharged from NCVT MIS portal by the NSTIS/ITOTS.
How to Check CITS Attendance?
Important Link
CITS Exam Revised Schedule | Click Here |
CITS 2021 MAIN Exam Candidate List | Click Here |
CITS Time Table | Click Here |
How To Fill Form (Video) | Click Here |
Notification | Click Here |
Join Our Telegram | Click Here |
Join WhatsApp Group | Click Here |
More Govt. Job | Click Here |
DGT Official Website | Click Here |